WealthWithHeart Blog

September 18, 2010

The Path to Predictable Results: Vision, Purpose, Faith and Gratitude

“We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.”

These words of T.S. Eliot have held special meaning for me for many decades. And never more so than today; I find them prophetic.

My history includes having travelled far and wide as part of my studies and explorations.  I have floated down the sacred river Ganges in Benares, India amid a throng of thousands of other seekers, bathers and worshippers. It is a holy place, where it is said every devout Hindu yearns to visit at least once in their lifetime. Awash in the silver light of a full summer moon, I’ve chanted and prayed within the inner chambers of the Taj Mahal: its majestic white marble bathed in moonlight was breathtakingly beautiful.  I have entered the Sikh temple at Amritsar, all gold and gleaming with near-blinding brightness in the hot sun. At the Buddh Gaya Shrine, where it is said that Buddha made a vow to attain enlightenment while seated under this papal tree, I touched the aged, stately bo tree, and gazed up at the massive expanse of its branches, dappled in sunlight, imaging that long ago time.

I’ve prayed long, wept openly and sung softly at the Western Wall in Jerusalem, standing in the women’s section with my forehead and palms pressed against the warm, ancient stone.  Every crack and crevice within these massive blocks of limestone is stuffed with countless pieces of paper: each one different, each one containing a prayer.  I have been roused by the resounding call, repeatedly issued forth from a minaret.  It is the sound which summons faithful Muslims to prayer, with an insistent, magnetic power.  I have been an awe-struck visitor to the Dome of the Rock, sacred shrine of Islam. 

I’ve read aloud the Beatitudes from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, savoring each word, energized and saturated with wonder, as I stood on the peaceful shore of the Sea of Galilee. And I have stood gazing at the ancient Acoma pueblo under an expanse of New Mexico sky so blue it seemed impenetrable, and felt the spirits of the native peoples now past. 

Last week-end Billi and I attended the first Six Minutes to Success Summit in Scottsdale, AZ.  This remarkable event was inspired and brought about by Lanny and Deena Morton and their wonderful staff at Six Minutes to Success.  I love words, and yet they seem inadequate as I try to come up with ones I can employ to express how this experience changed me, brought me back home to myself, and helped me know that inner place, as if for the first time. The once-in-a-lifetime line-up of presenters was in itself highly impressive: Bob Proctor, Frank Kern, Les Brown, Bob Davies, Doug Wead and Cynthia Kersey. 

If only there were a way you could see the pulsating waves of excitement, splashed across this page; if you could hear the whir and whoosh of planets coursing through the heavens, following their right and perfect paths; and if you could feel the energy teeming within each sentence as you read it, then perhaps you would get a sense of the power and exhilaration I experienced. You would have some notion of how my world looks now. And how your awareness could be heightened and enhanced so that you’d feel it, too.

Bob Proctor is nothing less than brilliant.  He is attuned to the natural laws, and he is highly aware of our universe and how it operates.  He knows, “The Secret.” He has devoted his life to studying the precise and predictable laws of the universe, and he has mastered them.  His energy, his keen perceptiveness, and his compassion are palpable.  Wallace Wattles explains that the best definition of Natural Law is that, “It is the uniform and orderly method of the omnipotent God.”  These Laws include:

  • The Law of Perpetual Transmutation
  • The Law of Relativity
  • The Law of Vibration
  • The Law of Polarity
  • The Law of Rhythm
  • The Law of Cause and Effect
  • The Law of Gender 

This teaching is for me, the final piece of the puzzle; it answers the questions which have lingered after immersing myself in philosophy, Eastern religion and Christian theology for those aforementioned decades.  I feel I have arrived where I started and finally know the place for the first time.  Studying with Bob Proctor is giving me the clearest, most comprehensive material I’ve ever encountered in order to expand my levels of awareness and further deepen my profound, joyful and resolute faith, with the promise of more to come.  

20/20 vision is considered normal and perfect for navigating in our world as a human being.  Imagine if one eye had the capability of an electron microscope and the other had the capability of a high energy particle telescope…we would be stopped in our tracks.  Awareness, perception, and the abilities and limitations of our five senses are fascinating to ponder.

We were raised to trust external influences and live from the outside in.  One of the transformative aspects of this teaching is to enable us to start living from the inside out.  On the path to predictable results, we can tap into the power within us that is greater than any condition, circumstance or external perception. 

The only scarcity which exists in our limitlessly abundant universe is awareness.  As Wallace Waddles explains, “Knowledge is continually increasing. Every talent we cultivate brings to the mind the desire to cultivate another talent.  We are subject to the urge of life. In seeking expression for this urge, we are impelled to know more, to do more, and to be more.”  The essence of this expansion is expressed through faith, purpose and gratitude.

 As the late Golden Rule Jones stated, “What I want for myself, I want for everybody.”  This is the way of creative increase, as opposed to a competitive approach.  As Waddles puts it, “It is inherent in the constitution of the cosmos that all things shall be for your advancing and work together for your good.”  Or, as the apostle Paul states, “All things work together for good, for those who love God and are called according to God’s purpose.”

And Waddles points out, “It is not your part to guide or supervise the creative process.  All you have to do with that is retain your vision, stick to your purpose, and maintain your faith and gratitude.”  In this way, you will begin to live in harmony with the laws of the universe and experience greater and greater increase in your life.    

Are you ready to create predictable and abundant results?  If you would like to learn more about the laws of the universe and increase your awareness go to http://bit.ly/SuccesswithBobProctor

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